Thursday, February 21, 2013

Tea Time!

So, anyone who knows my oldest daughter (Tori), knows she isn't like most 5 year olds. She is very smart, mature, and has a taste for the finer things in life. Since I can remember she has loved things like lobster, mango, and TEA! We are not talking lipton here folks...we are talking expensive, delicious, loose leaf teas. 

Awhile back I found a groupon for Adagio Teas. It was a tea tasting for 2 and you got a "special gift" after the tasting. I quickly scooped this one up once I saw there was an Adagio in downtown Naperville (very close to my sisters house). I have been trying to take Tori to this for weeks now, and every time we had a reservation, something would come up. (Usually Nick was forced to work.)

Anyway, we finally made it to our tasting on Sunday! Daddy stayed home with the baby, we dropped Haleigh off at Aunt Sarah's so she could get her hair cut, and Tori and I headed to our tasting. When we walked in they were finishing the tasting before ours, so we walked around a bit. Tori loved smelling all the dried teas, and had a few ideas of things she wanted to try by the time the tasting started. The tasting was very fun and informative. We were told about the origins of different types of teas and then we were given the opportunity to try 3 teas from the 10 or so that we had learned about. Tori and I chose 3 different types of tea. Our first was a Honey Bush Vanilla, which is an herbal tea that is naturally caffeine free. Then we tried a White Blueberry tea, which has caffeine, but it is also full of antioxidants. Our last tea was "something we would never ordinarily try". We decided on a Spiced Green Tea. I am not normally a fan of green teas, but it smelled so good! We ended up loving both the Honey Bush Vanilla and Spiced Green, and the White Blueberry was just okay. 

When the tasting was over we were told that we each got to pick a tea pot as our special gift. How cool! Not only did Tori get to go to a big grown up tea tasting, but now she has her very own tea pot (infuser and everything built right in!) We also walked through and chose 5 teas to buy (they had a buy 4 bags get the 5th free deal). 

We have learned since our tasting that we are DEFINITELY a Honey Bush/Rooibus family! 

Nick and I have decided that we want to start little traditions with our kids, and this event presented a wonderful and different option. So, we've begun having a tea party every night before bed. This gives us all a little time, with no distractions, to talk and hang out before it is time for bed. We also read a bible story every night before bed. So, often, while the girls are finishing their tea, I am reading to them. I look forward to trying lots of other kinds of tea and experimenting with new things as this tradition grows. 

Until next time my friends...

XOXO ~ Dana

Sunday, January 27, 2013

"Baked" Apples

I have a HORRIBLE sweet tooth that often gets the best of me. I will do great all day, then sit down to watch TV and relax in the evening and end up with something sweet in my hand. So, I started looking for recipes that would satisfy that sweet tooth, and not KILL all the healthy choices I've made throughout the day. I found a couple recipes for "Baked" Apples using the crock pot and I sort of tweaked them all to fit what I had on hand and what my family likes. Here is my recipe!

I put about 4 cups of sliced apples, 1/3 a cup of brown sugar (you could use white sugar or even splenda granules if you want), 3 tablespoons of apple juice, and 1 teaspoon of apple pie spice in my crock pot. I then dotted it with country crock (it ended up being about a tablespoon). This is what it looked like going in. 

A couple hours into cooking, on low, my house was starting to smell yummy! So I decided to check on my apples. They looked awesome. Here is a picture!

We went out for dinner since Nick had to work today and we had some shopping we needed to get done. We live about 30 minutes from any kind of shopping other than a local grocery store and an Ace Hardware, so we have to plan our trips! When we got home from shopping and dinner we had the apples over some vanilla frozen yogurt for dessert. YUM, is all I can say! It was like eating apple pie but with far less calories. I did the math, if we say there are 8 servings of apples in the crock pot, each serving is about 72 calories. Add that to whatever you want to put them over, or just eat them alone, and you have a really yummy, satisfying, and guilt free dessert!

I am hoping to try at least one new recipe every week. When I find a winner, I will be sure to share with you all. Until next time my friends!

XOXO ~ Dana

Thursday, January 24, 2013

You Brought CLOTH????

  Cloth diapering has been around FOREVER. Okay, maybe not forever. But certainly for a very long time. Before someone invented disposable diapers, everyone used cloth, right? When I was a kid my Mom used cloth diapers when we were at home, but when we went out she used disposables. Back then cloth diapers were very limited, they required pins and plastic pants...WAY too much work if you ask me! I can honestly say that if cloth was still this difficult to use, I would not do it. Thankfully, cloth has come a VERY long way in 27 years! 

There is so much to choose from when it comes to cloth diapers now! They make them so user friendly and convenient. I know lots of people who use prefolds or flats still. They make something called snappis that act as a pin, so you don't have to worry about poking yourself a million times trying to get a diaper on. They also make different kinds of covers that are cute and fluffy instead of those awful plastic pants. I personally prefer pocket diapers. Pocket diapers have a waterproof outer shell, a nice fuzzy inside layer, and a pocket between them to add absorbent inserts. I own a couple AIOs (all in ones) too, but only Bumkins. Bumkins makes their AIOs with a flip out insert, so it is more like a pocket. I prefer this simply for drying time! Also, when Emily gets bigger I'll be able to add multiple inserts for better absorption at night! 

A few days ago I took the girls to Discover the Dinosaurs with my Mom and sister. Emily was sleeping for the first half of our excursion, but woke up an hour or so after we got there. I knew she'd need to be changed so I grabbed a new diaper, wipes, and my wet bag, then grabbed her out of her car seat. My Mom was so shocked she said " brought CLOTH????" She couldn't believe I would still use cloth while out for an entire day. Of course I brought cloth...its just as easy as a disposable, except I have to spray out the diapers when I get home instead of tossing them in the garbage. 
The picture above really made it clear to me. (Even though I was already using cloth.) I am not a huge environmentalist or anything, but this is scary. That is 1 baby for 1 year! And those disposables end up in our landfills and stay...for a LONG time! (Up to 500 years!) Aside from the environmental savings, the financial savings is also pretty amazing! Especially if you make the decision to use cloth with your first child, then you can reuse the same diapers for multiple kids! Cloth diapers are also better for your children. Disposable are full of chemicals (that is what makes them so absorbent) that can harm your baby's skin. I wish I had known how easy cloth was when I had Tori, she has such sensitive skin, and we had diaper rash all the time!

If the environmental savings, financial savings, benefit to your children, and the ease of use isn't enough to convince you, how about this? Look how freaking cute they are!!! Emily is wearing a Jungle Roo pocket diaper in this picture. This is definitely one of my favorite diapers. It is super cute and we have not had a single leak
As I write more I'm sure we will talk more about my love of cloth really is an addiction! I just love knowing that I am doing the right thing for my baby, the environment, and my bank account! Until next time my friends!

XOXO ~ Dana

Monday, January 21, 2013

Big Girls!

Our children often do things that make us proud. Every single day I am proud of something my girls do. Whether it is a little thing like picking up after themselves or a big thing like making a mature decision (for their age of course). Well, we have reached a milestone with BOTH girls that has me EXTREMELY proud. 

Let me start by giving you all a little back story. Victoria (our oldest) has had some serious bladder/kidney issues that started when she was about 18 months old. We ended up in the ER more times than I'd like to count for fevers that ranged from 103° all the way up to 107°! Yes, you read that right! My baby had a fever that was over 107°! We finally got to the root of the problem a little over 6 months ago. After 5 doctors and tons of tests, we found out that Tori has Vesicoureteral Reflux aka Kidney Reflux. She had a surgical procedure done called Deflux to block the infection from being able to get to her kidneys, which also protects her from the high fevers. Since the procedure we have not had a single infection! (Thank you Jesus!) Because of all the infections Tori was "holding it" a lot. Which meant her bladder was stretching, which made it hard for her to recognize she had to go, especially at night. We kept her in a pull up at night to avoid the accidents and the embarrassment she felt when she had one.

Both Victoria and Haleigh had been having more and more dry nights. So, Nick and I decided it was time to try it without pull ups. I am SOOOO happy to report that we have had nearly 2 weeks with no pull ups and no accidents! The girls are so proud of themselves and Mom and Dad could not be happier! The financial savings is fantastic, but more than that, knowing that Tori is getting better makes this Mama happier than you can imagine. (Okay, maybe you other moms can imagine!) 

I don't think any of us ever imagine we will be the Mom sitting in the children's hospital waiting room while their child is having surgery. It was so terrible to watch my daughter go through test after invasive test. I am so thankful that we got an answer and it appears as though we have found the solution. Most kids grow out of the reflux eventually and they do not require additional Deflux procedures. Victoria was very young when this started affecting her, so there is a possibility we will have to do another one. But for now, I am just happy to have a happy and healthy 5 year old!

Until next time my friends!

XOXO ~ Dana

Sunday, January 13, 2013

Fatty to 5K???

Well....there it is. The infamous "before picture". As you can see by the date on the picture, this one is a little old. The real reason for that?? I don't have a single current picture, of more than just my face! But, if I were to allow someone to take a current picture of me, I'm pretty sure this is close to what it would look like. 

I gotta tell you, I was TERRIFIED to write this post. Somehow I have this idea in the back of my head that I'm going to be the girl who posts a "before" picture and there is never an "after" picture. How embarrassing would that be?? Tell you all I'm going on this big journey and then come out of it still looking like this? UGH, it is my worst nightmare!

But, here is the deal. I told myself that after Emily was born I was going to seriously make a change. Most likely she is our last baby, and it is time for me to get my butt in shape!  So, I decided I am going to do a 5K! Yep, you read that right. I had heard of this plan called Couch to 5K from a couple of other bloggers. They say anyone can do it. Well, we're about to find out if that is true! Because I assure you, if I can do it...ANYONE can do it!

I've been scouring the internet (garage sale groups on FB and craigslist) for the last couple of days for a treadmill that I can actually afford. I finally found one tonight and we are picking it up tomorrow. That means this JUST GOT REAL! I start this week! 

The 5K we are doing is called Foam Fest! I figure, if I'm gonna do this, it should be for something fun. And this looks like it is going to be a blast...if I can just get through it. So, I talked to Nick about it and he said he would totally do it with me. Then I went to work putting together a team. As of today there are 6 of us who have committed to do this together, and lots of people who have expressed interest in joining us! I'm so excited to not only be doing this for myself, but that I have encouraged so many of my friends and family to do it too!

Hopefully in a couple of months I will be able to share a picture with you all of some progress. I know I can do this! So here we all starts tomorrow! Until next time my friends!

XOXO ~ Dana

Saturday, January 12, 2013

4 Girls and a Daddy

Well, here we are! Four girls and poor Daddy! (The dog is a boy, but he's also a poodle, so Nick says that doesn't count.) The girls are Victoria (Tori) who just turned 5, Haleigh who is 2 1/2 and a spit fire like her Mama, and miss Emily (I don't know why I always add "miss" to her name, but it seems to fit her). Emily was born November 14th and we are starting to adjust to our new addition! My role in this crazy zoo of a family? I'm Mom...teacher, chef, maid, milk machine, booboo kisser, disciplinarian, diaper changer, taxi driver, and so many other jobs I pick up along the way. I am 27 years old and a full time wife and Mommy. I sell Scentsy and Velata on the side as a way of making a little extra money and getting a little "me time". Nick works as a Logistics Operator for a plastics company and spends as much time with us as he can. He does work a lot, but it provides enough for us that I am able to stay home with the girls, and for that, I am truly thankful. It SUPER sucks not having my partner, my best friend, and for the girls Daddy around sometimes, but we make the best of the days we get to spend together! 

So, what can you expect to read about on my blog? Well, I'll post recipes when I make something yummy, I'll share products and companies I think no one should live without, and mostly I'll just write about us and our silly little life. I welcome comments and suggestions on things you want to read about and I hope you just enjoy sharing some time with us. 

Nick is at work tonight so the girls and I are watching Disney movies. I am DYING for bed time to come so I can watch some grown up TV and maybe have a glass of wine!! I love my children more than anything on the planet, but I gotta tell ya...they are TESTING me lately. Perhaps it is the fact that I pretty much haven't had a moment to myself since October (when I went on leave from work while pregnant with Em)...I'm pretty sure I have earned a spa day or 6!! (And like an entire box of wine...don't judge!)

Well...the baby was just awoken by one of her sisters screaming. So I'm off to fulfill my "milk machine" duties. Until next time my friends...goodnight!

XOXO ~ Dana